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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cruise with Tim and friends to Potter's cove August 2, 2015

August 2, 2015

            We left port at 1344 with the engine hours reading 3117.6.

            Tim was visiting with his friends, Dickie (Mike DiStaula), Carolyn St. Lawrence, Fred Howland, Darthur Petron, Robert Morris, Kerry Molloy, and our nephew Mike Coughlin.

            We cruised on a beautiful day with calm seas and light winds over to Potter Cove on the northeast side of Prudence Island.  It was a Sunday so the anchorage was packed.  We anchored on the outside to the south in about 15ft. of water.  We put out about 90ft. of line and had good holding.  We all went for a swim, had lunch, and listened to the Red Sox game on the radio. 

            The boat flew a kite on the ride home and got back around 1830hrs with the engine hours at 3120.2

            We cleaned up the boat and had a cookout by the pool.

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