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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cruise to Melville's NEB for lunch July 25, 2015

July 25, 2015

               We left port at 1120hrs with the engine hours reading 3114.  The weather was sunny and in the mid 70s, seas were calm and winds were light.

            We cruised over to NEB, New England Boatworks,  to have lunch at Melville’s.  We went out Greenwich bay and turned south down the west side of Prudence Island.  We cruised around the southern tip of the island and turned north and east into NEB.

            We called on the phone and they told to us to go to the fuel dock to get a slip assignment.  It was our first time there so we did as we were asked and went to the fuel dock.  The dock was very crowded and there was just enough space to parallel park between two very big and expensive boats.  After we got tied up we were told to go to a slip that was two docks away.  We cast off, spun around perfectly and headed over to our slip. 

            Melville’s was very good.  We sat inside as it was sunny and hot out of the deck.  We had a window seat overlooking the marina.  I had a yellow fin tuna sandwich that was very good.

            We walked around the marine for a while and had a very comfortable cruise back to our slip.   We cruised up the eastern side of Prudence Island and then turned south and then east into Greenwich bay.  We got in at 1617hrs with the engine hours at 3117.6.

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