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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Boat delivery Chesapeake City to Narragansett Bay

Boat Delivery Cruise

May 28, 2015

            We left Bohemia Bay in Chesapeake City MD at 0600 to begin our journey north.  The engine hours were 3035.  The weather was beautiful the seas were flat and the winds light.

            Elaine and I, along with Capt. Bill Madison, cruised up the Elk River and into the C&D canal.  From there we then headed southeast down the Delaware River with the outgoing tide at our backs.  The boat handled better than expected and we made great progress entering Cape May Harbor NJ at 1400. 

            We took a slip at the South Jersey Marina and settled in for the night.  The marina was hit hard by Sandy so most everything was new construction.  The docks were great, the service was excellent and the marina facilities were very clean.  It was a stern tie with pilings, no finger piers.  We had dinner at the Lobster House restaurant which was a short walk from the marina.  If you tell the marina you would like to eat there they will get you in without waiting. 

 May 29, 2015

            We left Cape May NJ at 0550 with the engine hours at 3049.  Again, the weather, seas, wind, and tides were perfect.

            The trip up the coast of New Jersey was as good as it gets there.  Everything lined up perfectly.  The water was as flat as being on a lake.  We were not sure how far we would get.  We were hoping for Sandy Hook, NJ but also considered Atlantic City, Barnegat Light, and Manasquam it the weather or seas were bad.  Luckily everything held and we made Sandy Hook, NJ at 1900 with the engine hours reading 3073.  We got a slip at Atlantic Highlands Marina.  This was also a stern tie with pilings and no finger piers 

            We had a little incident while getting into our slip.  It was very windy and the wind was pushing us into the next slip and boat.  The dock hand had trouble catching a stern line and when he did he put one wrap around a cleat without tying it off.  When the cleat slipped the line went into the water and wrapped the prop.  Fortunately the line was old and did not wrap too badly because we were able to spin it off. 

            The marina was no big deal.  It is a municipal marina. The people on the dock were nice.  The showers were clean but very basic.  We had a nice dinner on the boat and drifted off to sleep.

May 30, 2015

            We left Sandy Hook, NJ at 0530 with the engine hours at 3073.  Once again the weather, seas, wind, and tide were perfect for us.

            We crossed Lower bay and under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge into the Upper bay of New York City.  We cruised toward Manhattan, went east of Governor’s Island and into the East River to cruise up the east side of Manhattan.  This was the most picturesque day of our journey with beautiful views of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan.  We continued on up the East River, through Hell’s Gate and past Riker’s Island and up into Long Island Sound.

            We took advantage of the perfect conditions and made it all the way to Old Saybrook, CT by 1800.  The engine hours were 3085.  Here we had our second incident of the journey.  After clearing the breakwater and entering the Connecticut River we called the Saybrook Point marina to request a slip and to tell them we were coming to the fuel dock.  However, about 200 yards from the fuel dock, we ran out of fuel.  We dropped anchor in the channel, may our securite call on the VHS and called for SeaTow.  Fortunately we had purchased the unlimited gold insurance only weeks earlier.

            SeaTow was very prompt and courteous and got us to the fuel dock.  We fueled up with 98 gallons in the starboard tank and 80 gallons in the port.  We had a little bit of a back flow problem and I got a little soaked with diesel.

            This marina had the best staff on the docks that we had encountered.  They knew exactly how to work lines and got us into our slip and hooked up quickly.  The facilities were beautiful.  They were affiliated with the Saybrook Point Inn & Spa.  However, the Inn did not treat the marina guests very well.  We felt a little like second class citizens.

            We again had dinner on the boat and slept well.

May 31, 2015

      We left Old Saybrook at 0745.  Engine hours were 3085. The early part of the cruise was calm and we had the tides with us.  As the day continued the wind and waves continued to build.  As we neared Point Judith we ducked into the harbor for a few minutes break.  After leaving Point Judith harbor we headed northeast toward Narragansett bay.  We surfed a few waved and broke 15mph on the GPS a few times.  Once we reached Beavertail things calmed down quite a bit.

     As we made our way up the bay the Quonset air show was going on.  We got to see the Blue Angels perform as well as a few other aircraft.  Bonus.  We reached our slip at Brewer Cowesett at 1500 with the hours at 3092.

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