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Sunday, June 14, 2015

First ride by ourselves June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015

          We left port at 1045hrs with the engine hours at 3092.  This was our first cruise by ourselves.  We were contemplating going out when our dock neighbor Barry said “what’s the worst that could happen”?  We said “why not, we have insurance” and off we went.

            The weather was nice, the seas were calm, and the winds were light.  We went out Greenwich bay and turned south.  We cruised around Hope and Despair Islands and then followed the same route home. While cruising around we practiced backing around bouys.

            Docking was a bit tricky but we managed to get Anegada da Vida home without damage or injuries.  We got back at 1315hrs with the engine hours at 3096.

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